Frequently asked questions

Got questions? We have answers! Discover how we can help you achieve your beauty goals and find quick answers here.
Do you offer consultations? What's involved?
U Wellness offers consultations for most services at no cost. During these consultations, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your health and beauty goals with our specialists. We'll assess your needs and recommend the best treatments to meet those goals.
Our services span a wide range of costs to fit different needs and goals. For instance, skincare treatments like AquaGold and chemical peels, medical weight loss consultations, and various laser treatments have specific prices. Fotona treatments for both men and women range from $200 to $1,000, while smaller, targeted services like laser hair removal for specific areas begin at $65. More comprehensive treatments, such as full-body laser hair removal, are priced at $1,800. For detailed pricing on specific services, we encourage you to contact us directly.
Our clinic is located at 2975 Treat Blvd Suite B-1, Concord, California
Our clinic is open Mondays to Saturdays from 9:00AM to 5:00PM
Our cancellation policy is designed with our clients' convenience and scheduling needs in mind. We require a 24-hour notice for any appointment cancellations or rescheduling requests. This allows us to offer the slot to other clients and manage our schedule effectively,



Are injectables (Botox, fillers) safe?
When administered by qualified professionals, injectables like Botox and hyaluronic acid fillers are considered safe and FDA-approved. We carefully evaluate each patient, discuss any potential side effects, and only utilize trusted products.
At U Wellness Medical, we focus on enhancing your natural features for a refreshed, rejuvenated look. Our skilled providers create personalized treatment plans to achieve subtle results that defy your age, not your identity.
The duration of results varies between treatments: Botox typically lasts 3-4 months. Filler results depend on the type and area injected but can last 6-18 months. Laser treatments offer progressively improving results over time, with some benefits being long-term.
Injectables generally have minimal downtime; you might experience minor swelling or bruising. Laser resurfacing might require some downtime depending on intensity. We’ll provide detailed pre and post-care instructions after your consultation.
We determine treatment suitability on an individual basis. Preventative Botox may be appropriate for some younger adults. All treatments for minors require parental consent.
How are your programs different from fad diets?
Our approach prioritizes medical oversight, targets the root causes of weight gain, and promotes sustainable lifestyle changes. We avoid overly restrictive or quick-fix diets that are ultimately unsustainable.
Weight-loss medications can be beneficial for those with a BMI over a certain threshold or with obesity-related health conditions. A comprehensive evaluation will determine if this is a suitable part of your plan.
We focus on healthy weight loss of typically 1-2 pounds per week. While initial results may be visible sooner, the goal is to create lasting change for long-term weight management.
We’ll carefully assess your overall health and create a personalized plan considering any medical conditions.
We mainly focus on holistic and non-surgical approaches to wellness, including medical weight loss programs that use a comprehensive approach to help individuals lose weight and improve their health.



What conditions can [PRP, stem cell therapy, etc.] treat?
Regenerative therapies have potential for various conditions like pain management, tissue repair, and overall wellness. Each case needs evaluation to determine potential benefits.
A tailored treatment plan based on your specific condition and goals will be needed. Some conditions may require multiple treatments or ongoing maintenance for optimal results.
Currently, most regenerative treatments are considered elective and not covered by insurance. We offer payment options and can discuss costs in detail at your consultation.
Regenerative therapies are generally well-tolerated, with minimal side effects. We use established safety protocols and discuss potential risks associated with your specific treatment.
Regenerative therapies often work best alongside traditional approaches or may be a suitable alternative when conventional options are limited. We’ll discuss how they integrate with your overall care plan.

Got a question?

If you can't find the answer to your question in our FAQs, don't worry! We're here to help.
You have two easy ways to get in touch with us for more specific inquiries or assistance:

Or contact us through mobile


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• Enjoy a 50% off treat for your special birthday

30% off on Botox, Jeuveau, Fillers, EZ PRF/PRP

20% off for SkinMedica & Skinceautical products